Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We Made It

We are now at the border. The trip was good, with not much traffic and our life was not threatened by other crazy drivers on the treacherous mountain road. It was an uneventful trip, which when driving in the mountains is what we all want. It took us about 7 hours to get here and we got here before the rain hit. It is rainy season here and we usually get a downpour every day. The scenery was much more lush than last time. It is beautiful to see the tops of the mountains obscured by the mist. But now, we are very tired from the trip, and we will probably go to bed early. Who knows what tomorrow will hold. As we sit here and try to map out our itinerary, we realize that it is hopeless and that once again we will fly by the seat of our pants. I will let you know tomorrow night what tomorrow holds. In the meantime pray for health and strength for us. We are falling apart at the seams and these trips take longer and longer for us to recover. also, this is the first time I have seen our new facility since we rented it. It looks very nice with furniture and stuff. The downstairs bathroom does not have a sink. I didn't notice that before. It has two water reservoirs; one for pouring water over yourself to bathe, and the other smaller one to "flush" the toilet. Most of the time there is enough water pressure downstairs to actually shower. No hot water. The upstairs bathroom has two reservoirs and also has a sink. I wonder if they just forgot the downstairs sink or what. It's different here, so I don't know if they did it on purpose or just forgot to put one in. The upstairs has 2 nice bedrooms and there are aircons in each bedroom. There is also a nice third room for whatever you need it for. The third floor is one big open room with no ceiling, just a vaulted roof. Birds fly thru there occasionally, but they don't eat much. The windows in the kitchen consist of holes in the wall. They are just small holes, so no large animals will be able to come in. They are however large enough for large lizzards and small birds. Last week while the front doors were opened a herd of goats came to visit, but they didn't stay long. I think we scared them; all the arm waving and squeels and stuff. About 20 water buffalo mosied down the street a few days ago and 5 horses a few days before that. The buffalo had a herder, but the goats and horses were just on their own. Did I say that it's different here. I love it. Keeps you on your toes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Mad Missionary,
I notice that you just visited our fair city, Chiang Mai, and I giggled to myself when I read your description of the aroma to be sampled. :)
You mentioned that your new quarters do not have sinks in the bathrooms, I think that is fairly common in what we refer to as baan nawk. (insert falling tone over aw :) )
We have friends who have recently moved to the NE, and their bathrooms do not have sinks either. They only have the one in the kitchen. So perhaps it was not forgotten.
Glad to hear your border run was fairly smooth and you enjoyed your time in Chiang Mai.