I woke up today just as the gray dawn was breaking. This is the time of morning when I like to pray. The house is quiet and still dark. It is a good time to spend with the Lord; before the loud voices of the day begin to lash you, and before the tyranny of the urgent tries to slaughter you. I like to wake up on my own. I don't like the jolt of an alarm clock. I like for my heart to start up slowly without adrenalin overload. I don't like to read the Bible in the early morning, though. I save that for after I am up and moving and have had coffee. I don't try to read something that I actually care about until I am fully functional and that usually hits a couple of hours after I get up; after breakfast and chores are done. And did I mention after coffee? Nothing intelligent can happen until after morning coffee. People who know me well usually don't talk to me as soon as I get up in the morning. They know it takes a little time for my sense of humor to kick in. And believe me, you need a sense of humor doing this kind of ministry. I don't see how people live who can't laugh.
Today's job was capturing video shot during one of our "border trips." I did that most all day long. It's amazing what you see that you don't remember seeing when you filmed it. We are all preparing for another border run this weekend. We have several folks (refugees) that we need to see in 3 different locations and the trip will be pretty hard on us. Beds here are stuffed with coconut husks. No, I'm not kidding. They are so hard that they are like sleeping on the ground. After each trip a therapist gets a tidy chunk of change to wrack us back straight again. And then there is always drugs, my favorite being Tylenol with codeine. That and about 12 hours of sleep in a soft bed usually does the trick.
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