Saturday, July 16, 2011


It has been a long time since I kept up with myself, however a big event has hit. I finally realized my 48 year old dream of visiting Africa. I was there for 16 wonderful days in May. Three photo safaris, met several old and good friends, had a glorious time in most respects. Was able to see the animals, the people, the culture. It was expensive; much more than I thought it would be. We all have preconceived notions and for some reason I was under the impression that things would be cheap like they are in Asia. NOT! It amazes me how the locals manage, but they must because there are a lot of them. Many of the people have AIDS. It is everywhere and it is noticeable in the extreme gauntness of the people who are afflicted. Very sad...especially the kids. Nutritious food is too expensive for many, so they exist on corn meal mostly, with very little else. This was the part that was much less than glorious. It is very sad that so many live in such poverty. Disturbing and heartbreaking.

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