We've been back in Thailand for a month now. It is Rainy Season here. Thailand has 3 seasons. Rainy, Cool, and Dry. Dry Season is very hot and there is absolutely no rain for 3 months. It gets so hot and dusty as much of the lush vegetation dies off. But right now it is lush and it rains almost every day for a few hours. I like rainy season. It is much cooler and I know that the next season will be cool season, which will last from November to the end of January. Thai people actually wear big parkas with hoods, while I wear T-shirts and light weight clothing and think it is wonderful. Many of them ride motorcycles, though and I know that it can get nippy when you are zipping down the road without any protection.
Chiang Mai is a very nice city. Much better than Bangkok. Chiang Mai has only 3 million people and compared to the 14 million in Bangkok, it has an almost small town feel to it. There are many western restaurants and much English is spoken up here. There are several big universities that are English speaking and there are many Ex-pats living here.
Living here and knowing many of the things there are to do and things to see, I feel like I could write a travel brochure. Many of the real travel guides are a little too upscale for me. I like the local flavor and the little out of the way places that tourists don't know about. But then, I have actually developed a taste for fried silk worm larve and grasshoppers, so I may not be the best one to ask about things to do, see and eat in Chiang Mai.