Many things are changing around the world and also around my world. We are once again leaving one place and going to another for a period of time. We spent April in the country of Lithuania. It is a very beautiful place and reminds me of rural America in the 1940's. I have been there 3 times and I like it better each time I go.
I have been very slack in writing on this blog. Flying under the wire caught up with me and I had to change some things. If you know who I am, please keep it to yourself. Rather than eliminate the blog and delete everything, I am trying this. Some of the countries we visit do not appreciate it when we tell people that they should or shouldn't visit there.
We are heading out of Thailand and back to the US for a few months. We need some time away from Bangkok and the miserable heat, smog, traffic and other things that make this place difficult. The tourism industry was ruined for this season by the ridiculous antics of the opposition "red shirt" party closing down one of the largest airports in Southeast Asia for over a week and the police and the military not doing a thing about it. It was no wonder people didn't want to come here. Getting stranded for an unknown amount of time really capped it for many people who have sworn they will never visit here again. Many of the smaller hotels and vendors have gone bankrupt because of the lack of tourists. It was a non-event for those of us living here, but for those trying to vacation then go home it was a nightmare. Hope the airport is open when it is time for us to vacate, but you never know.
Thailand's revered king is the only thing holding this country together and he is very old. Although the king supposedly has no political power, don't let that fool you. He holds incredible power. For the Thai people, his word is law. We thank God every day that he is a benevolent king and a really good person, otherwise this country would be in trouble. We shudder to think what will happen here when he dies. He has been the stabilizing influence in this country through thick and thin for over 60 years. Pray for his health, as I said before, he is very old and his health is poor.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Art Lessons 3
Today's rant in the Art Department is entitled: "The Art of Executing the Plan." By now your plan has been fervently prayed over and your resources are in hand. If you do not have your personnel and finances in hand, you are still in the planning phase so revert back to “The Art of Planning.”
The first step is to actually take the first step. This can actually be the hardest part of the whole plan. Be prepared to be very flexible especially at the beginning. Be advised that no strategy ever survives first contact with the enemy.
Day One: Put it in gear, and start moving slowly in some direction. It is actually much easier to change the direction of a vehicle that is actually moving than to try to turn the wheels and then start to move. Try pushing a car with the wheels turned. No, straighten the wheels, then when the vehicle is moving turn the wheels.
Day Two: Now that the vehicle is moving, look around to see if it is pointed in the right direction. More times than not, you will have to make adjustments in your direction. After moving smoothly and seemingly well, you may see a ditch or roadblock ahead. Being dogmatic in your plan will only put you in the ditch. Be prepared to adjust your steering. Some things work very well temporarily, but after a while the direction must be altered somewhat.
Day Three: Be prepared for bad weather. No plan for God will go unopposed by the enemy. There will be storms. You may find yourself stuck in a big mud hole. Rocking your vehicle back and forth, screaming and kicking will only get you dug in deeper and stuck tighter. Now is the time to sit tight, pray and wait. God owns a very big tow-truck.
If this is His work and His plan that you are executing, He will take care of things. However, He will take care of things His way and not yours. Sometimes His ways are completely impossible to understand. Sometimes they take a very long time. Are you willing to follow God’s plan if it takes many years of seemingly unfruitful labor? What if you die before the work is done and another is given the task of finishing the work you started, labored over, and for which you sacrificed. What if someone else is credited and praised for the work that you did? Before you even begin, you must hand it over to God and allow Him to execute the plan in any manner He sees fit.
The first step is to actually take the first step. This can actually be the hardest part of the whole plan. Be prepared to be very flexible especially at the beginning. Be advised that no strategy ever survives first contact with the enemy.
Day One: Put it in gear, and start moving slowly in some direction. It is actually much easier to change the direction of a vehicle that is actually moving than to try to turn the wheels and then start to move. Try pushing a car with the wheels turned. No, straighten the wheels, then when the vehicle is moving turn the wheels.
Day Two: Now that the vehicle is moving, look around to see if it is pointed in the right direction. More times than not, you will have to make adjustments in your direction. After moving smoothly and seemingly well, you may see a ditch or roadblock ahead. Being dogmatic in your plan will only put you in the ditch. Be prepared to adjust your steering. Some things work very well temporarily, but after a while the direction must be altered somewhat.
Day Three: Be prepared for bad weather. No plan for God will go unopposed by the enemy. There will be storms. You may find yourself stuck in a big mud hole. Rocking your vehicle back and forth, screaming and kicking will only get you dug in deeper and stuck tighter. Now is the time to sit tight, pray and wait. God owns a very big tow-truck.
If this is His work and His plan that you are executing, He will take care of things. However, He will take care of things His way and not yours. Sometimes His ways are completely impossible to understand. Sometimes they take a very long time. Are you willing to follow God’s plan if it takes many years of seemingly unfruitful labor? What if you die before the work is done and another is given the task of finishing the work you started, labored over, and for which you sacrificed. What if someone else is credited and praised for the work that you did? Before you even begin, you must hand it over to God and allow Him to execute the plan in any manner He sees fit.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Art Lessons 2
Today's Art Lesson is entitled "The Art of Planning." When you get a great idea, the first thing that you should do is pray about it earnestly and be sure that it is God's idea and not some cockamamie idea that sounds good and maybe even is a very good idea, but not for you and not for now.
Think about it, pray about it, get others praying with you about it and make certain that God is in it. When you are certain that God is in it, get a piece of paper and start writing things down. The Bible calls this "counting the cost." This is not just money. This is time, resources, health issues, etc. How much will it cost in money? How and where will you get this money? How much time will it take to implement this plan? How many people will need to be involved with you in this plan? Are these folks willing to be involved in your plan? How much physical strength will be needed to execute this plan.
There are many things to consider here. If the people helping you with this plan are older, they are probably smarter. If they are younger, they are probably physically stronger. Which do you need? These are things to consider. Do you need brains or brawn? Very few people can pull off a great plan all by themselves. We need each other. A prayer network is vitally important. If you are working with a team, it is important to begin each day with group prayer. It doesn't have to be long, last for hours, or take up half of your day, but it needs to happen before the work day begins.
Planning is a skill that every servant of God needs to acquire. There are those who are great planners, but who unfortunately never move beyond the planning stage of any great idea. Unless you are getting paid just to think things up for others to do, then the next thing you need to do is find out how to "execute your plan." And I don't mean kill it. You will need the help of God to do this also. Pray, pray, pray. The God who planned and built the universe and keeps it all going will be able to help you.
Think about it, pray about it, get others praying with you about it and make certain that God is in it. When you are certain that God is in it, get a piece of paper and start writing things down. The Bible calls this "counting the cost." This is not just money. This is time, resources, health issues, etc. How much will it cost in money? How and where will you get this money? How much time will it take to implement this plan? How many people will need to be involved with you in this plan? Are these folks willing to be involved in your plan? How much physical strength will be needed to execute this plan.
There are many things to consider here. If the people helping you with this plan are older, they are probably smarter. If they are younger, they are probably physically stronger. Which do you need? These are things to consider. Do you need brains or brawn? Very few people can pull off a great plan all by themselves. We need each other. A prayer network is vitally important. If you are working with a team, it is important to begin each day with group prayer. It doesn't have to be long, last for hours, or take up half of your day, but it needs to happen before the work day begins.
Planning is a skill that every servant of God needs to acquire. There are those who are great planners, but who unfortunately never move beyond the planning stage of any great idea. Unless you are getting paid just to think things up for others to do, then the next thing you need to do is find out how to "execute your plan." And I don't mean kill it. You will need the help of God to do this also. Pray, pray, pray. The God who planned and built the universe and keeps it all going will be able to help you.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Art Lessons
Today's art lesson is entitled, "The Art of Minding Your Own Business." A lot of missionaries seem to have way too much time on their hands, yet they want as much of your time as they can get away with. I do not have to cook food from "scratch," we have a mostly dependable vehicle to get around in, there are plenty of places to shop for things, like the best pirated software and movies that money can buy, nice clothing if you are size 10 or under and are very short with small feet. However, seriously, all the real essentials are readily available, except for Dr. Pepper. It can't be found unless you end up in Phnom Penn, Cambodia, for the weekend.
But I digress. My team has hardly any time on our hands. We are very busy 6 days a week. Many weeks it's 7. On Saturday, we try to vegetate for the first part of the day. We veg because we are too tired to do much, most Saturday mornings. By 10:00 AM we are mostly up and ready to do something "else." Something besides working at a computer screen work. A great missionary once told me that everybody must have a hobby, a diversion from the everyday work, or they will burn out. I have learned the hard way how true this is. Which brings me back once again to the reason for this post. Don't call me early on Saturday morning with a great plan for my day on how I can spend it. I can figure out what to do by myself. And don't disguise this plan of yours by trying to make me think it was my idea in the first place. I'm not dumb. If you want me to do something for you that you can do for yourself, don't ask me to do it. I'm very busy. I have a team. Get your own team. I have a staff. I pay my staff. If you are too cheap to pay a staff, please stop trying to borrow mine to do your stuff. I am paying them to work for ME. This great missionary, as well as MANY others have told me that most of your problems on the field will not be lack of money, or health issues or danger, but most of your trouble will be with other missionaries. I found out that 150 years ago Adoniram Judson had this problem, so evidently it is nothing new. Now that I have learned from experience how true this is, I am making it a goal to do my very best to mind my own business, do my own work, and make everybody else do theirs, by not allowing them to have me do it for them.
I have several other 'Art" lessons that I am going to write about. Maybe this one will help some of you who are using others and some of you who are allowing yourself to be used. Boundaries are essential. Draw your line in the sand and stick to it. Fellowship with other missionaries, share burdens and prayer requests and help when help is really needed. But be careful and pay attention. Don't be an enabler for one who is lazy.
But I digress. My team has hardly any time on our hands. We are very busy 6 days a week. Many weeks it's 7. On Saturday, we try to vegetate for the first part of the day. We veg because we are too tired to do much, most Saturday mornings. By 10:00 AM we are mostly up and ready to do something "else." Something besides working at a computer screen work. A great missionary once told me that everybody must have a hobby, a diversion from the everyday work, or they will burn out. I have learned the hard way how true this is. Which brings me back once again to the reason for this post. Don't call me early on Saturday morning with a great plan for my day on how I can spend it. I can figure out what to do by myself. And don't disguise this plan of yours by trying to make me think it was my idea in the first place. I'm not dumb. If you want me to do something for you that you can do for yourself, don't ask me to do it. I'm very busy. I have a team. Get your own team. I have a staff. I pay my staff. If you are too cheap to pay a staff, please stop trying to borrow mine to do your stuff. I am paying them to work for ME. This great missionary, as well as MANY others have told me that most of your problems on the field will not be lack of money, or health issues or danger, but most of your trouble will be with other missionaries. I found out that 150 years ago Adoniram Judson had this problem, so evidently it is nothing new. Now that I have learned from experience how true this is, I am making it a goal to do my very best to mind my own business, do my own work, and make everybody else do theirs, by not allowing them to have me do it for them.
I have several other 'Art" lessons that I am going to write about. Maybe this one will help some of you who are using others and some of you who are allowing yourself to be used. Boundaries are essential. Draw your line in the sand and stick to it. Fellowship with other missionaries, share burdens and prayer requests and help when help is really needed. But be careful and pay attention. Don't be an enabler for one who is lazy.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Facing the Facts
OK, I have been thinking about it and I have to finally admit that if I could live anywhere in the world, it would not be my beloved Texas. If I could live anywhere in the world, I would live in Darwin, Australia. I have traveled to many places and have lived in several countries, but Australia, and Darwin in particular, is the place I would like to "live happily ever after." BUT that's not going to happen. A couple of years ago, I skidded over the line in the sand where we could get Australian citizenship. We're too old, and because Australia has socialized medicine, we are not welcomed to join the ranks of the old people who will need medical care more often than average. Oh, well, we can still visit and that will have to be enough.
Heaven will be a wonderful place. There won't be any need for borders, or socialized medicine, or any medicine at all, for that matter because we won't get old and sick. Having said that, I admit that I still have trouble imagining a place more wonderful that the Northern Territory of Australia. The bluest skies the most beautiful palm trees, the high adventure of living on the edge of the Outback. Where we lived, we were an hour from the Outback to the south and about an hour from the sea on the north. The lightening storms were breathtaking and the rainy season was awesome. We went swimming almost every day in an olympic sized pool a couple of miles from our house. Some folks are dumb enough to swim at the beach. Sharks and salt-water crocs are one of the awesome critters living there, and our team opted for the pool. We did however, go to the beach every weekend because they set up a wonderful market out there on the sand and you could grab some food and sit and watch the sunset. Incredible sunsets. I like Melbourne, and Sydney and "Brizzie," but there is simply just no place like Darwin. Living there was a gift. God gives really good gifts.
Heaven will be a wonderful place. There won't be any need for borders, or socialized medicine, or any medicine at all, for that matter because we won't get old and sick. Having said that, I admit that I still have trouble imagining a place more wonderful that the Northern Territory of Australia. The bluest skies the most beautiful palm trees, the high adventure of living on the edge of the Outback. Where we lived, we were an hour from the Outback to the south and about an hour from the sea on the north. The lightening storms were breathtaking and the rainy season was awesome. We went swimming almost every day in an olympic sized pool a couple of miles from our house. Some folks are dumb enough to swim at the beach. Sharks and salt-water crocs are one of the awesome critters living there, and our team opted for the pool. We did however, go to the beach every weekend because they set up a wonderful market out there on the sand and you could grab some food and sit and watch the sunset. Incredible sunsets. I like Melbourne, and Sydney and "Brizzie," but there is simply just no place like Darwin. Living there was a gift. God gives really good gifts.
Monday, February 9, 2009
I just saw the movie entitled, "The Bucket List." It was about these 2 old guys who were both dying and met in the hospital. They became friends and made a list of the things they wanted to do before they died. They managed to do most of them. So, I made my own list. Missionaries have wish lists too, ya know. Our lives do not consist of handing out tracts all day long, 6 days a week, then preaching on Sunday. No, we are just regular folks like you. We have to shop for groceries, get our vehicles repaired, deal with people we don't like and who don't like us. God uses us here and He will use you there, wherever you are. I used to think missionaries were perfect people, until I became one. Then, after I stopped laughing long enough to take a breath, I realized that God indeed chooses the weak, the poor, the old, etc., who are willing. I am all of the aforementioned people. Enjoy the life that you have been so generously given.
( X ) Skipped school
( X ) Watched someone die - better said as "seen them off to Glory"
( X ) Been to Canada
( X ) Been to Mexico
( X ) Been to Florida
( X ) Been to Hawaii
( X ) Been on a plane
( ) Flown in a helicopter
( X ) Gone to Washington, DC
( X ) Swam in the ocean
( ) Swam with Stingrays
( X ) Played cops and robbers
( X ) Recently colored with crayons - I HAVE GRANDKIDS
( ) Been to the top of the St. Louis Arch
( X ) Made prank phone calls - WHEN I WAS A KID
( X ) Been down Bourbon Street in New Orleans - AND had BEIGNETS in JACKSON SQUARE
( X ) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose - YEP! Carbonated beverages burn!
( X ) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
( X ) Written a letter to Santa Claus
( X ) Watched the sunrise with someone - ONLY WHEN COMPLETELY NECESSARY!
( X ) Blown bubbles - WITH SOAP AND ALSO THRU MY NOSE When I had a cold
( X ) Gone ice-skating
( X ) Gone to the movies
( X ) Been deep sea fishing - LOVED THIS ONE
( ) Seen all 50 states
( ) Been in a hot air balloon
( ) Been sky diving - TOO OLD FOR THIS NOW--BAD KNEES
( ) Gone snowmobiling
( X ) Lived in more than one country - 6 OR 7 AT LAST COUNT
( X ) Lay down outside at night and admired the stars while listening to the crickets
( X ) Seen a falling star and made a wish
( ) Enjoyed the beauty of Old Faithful Geyser
( X ) Seen the Grand Canyon
( X ) Seen the Statue of Liberty
( ) Gone to the top of Seattle Space Needle
( ) Been on a cruise
( X ) Traveled by train
( X ) Traveled by motorcycle
( X ) Been horse back riding
( X ) Ridden on a San Francisco cable car
( X ) Been to Disneyland OR Disney World
( X ) Been in a rain forest
( X ) Seen whales in the ocean
( ) Been to Niagara Falls
( X ) Ridden on an elephant
( ) Swam with dolphins
( X ) Been to the Olympics - 2 TIMES
( ) Walked on the Great Wall of China - CAN YOU DO THAT?
( ) Been water-skiing/tubing
( ) Been to Westminster Abbey
( ) Been to the Louvre
( ) Swam in the Mediterranean
( X ) Been to Vienna
( X ) Seen the Parthenon
( X ) Been to Prague
( ) Been white-water rafting
( X ) Milked a cow - I TRIED BUT NOTHING CAME OUT.
( ) Been to Ireland
( ) Been to the UK
( X ) Lived in Australia - the adventure of my life
( ) Toured Europe
Please feel free to copy and post this on your own blog. The instructions are really easy: place an X by all the things you've done and leave the space blank if you haven't done it yet, but want to. See? Very simple:). Alter the list anyway you like.
( X ) Skipped school
( X ) Watched someone die - better said as "seen them off to Glory"
( X ) Been to Canada
( X ) Been to Mexico
( X ) Been to Florida
( X ) Been to Hawaii
( X ) Been on a plane
( ) Flown in a helicopter
( X ) Gone to Washington, DC
( X ) Swam in the ocean
( ) Swam with Stingrays
( X ) Played cops and robbers
( X ) Recently colored with crayons - I HAVE GRANDKIDS
( ) Been to the top of the St. Louis Arch
( X ) Made prank phone calls - WHEN I WAS A KID
( X ) Been down Bourbon Street in New Orleans - AND had BEIGNETS in JACKSON SQUARE
( X ) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose - YEP! Carbonated beverages burn!
( X ) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
( X ) Written a letter to Santa Claus
( X ) Watched the sunrise with someone - ONLY WHEN COMPLETELY NECESSARY!
( X ) Blown bubbles - WITH SOAP AND ALSO THRU MY NOSE When I had a cold
( X ) Gone ice-skating
( X ) Gone to the movies
( X ) Been deep sea fishing - LOVED THIS ONE
( ) Seen all 50 states
( ) Been in a hot air balloon
( ) Been sky diving - TOO OLD FOR THIS NOW--BAD KNEES
( ) Gone snowmobiling
( X ) Lived in more than one country - 6 OR 7 AT LAST COUNT
( X ) Lay down outside at night and admired the stars while listening to the crickets
( X ) Seen a falling star and made a wish
( ) Enjoyed the beauty of Old Faithful Geyser
( X ) Seen the Grand Canyon
( X ) Seen the Statue of Liberty
( ) Gone to the top of Seattle Space Needle
( ) Been on a cruise
( X ) Traveled by train
( X ) Traveled by motorcycle
( X ) Been horse back riding
( X ) Ridden on a San Francisco cable car
( X ) Been to Disneyland OR Disney World
( X ) Been in a rain forest
( X ) Seen whales in the ocean
( ) Been to Niagara Falls
( X ) Ridden on an elephant
( ) Swam with dolphins
( X ) Been to the Olympics - 2 TIMES
( ) Walked on the Great Wall of China - CAN YOU DO THAT?
( ) Been water-skiing/tubing
( ) Been to Westminster Abbey
( ) Been to the Louvre
( ) Swam in the Mediterranean
( X ) Been to Vienna
( X ) Seen the Parthenon
( X ) Been to Prague
( ) Been white-water rafting
( X ) Milked a cow - I TRIED BUT NOTHING CAME OUT.
( ) Been to Ireland
( ) Been to the UK
( X ) Lived in Australia - the adventure of my life
( ) Toured Europe
Please feel free to copy and post this on your own blog. The instructions are really easy: place an X by all the things you've done and leave the space blank if you haven't done it yet, but want to. See? Very simple:). Alter the list anyway you like.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
The Year Ahead
Sorry, but I had to take December off. Illness, death in the family and other things took precedence over blogging. I hope that each of you had a blessed Christmas. The past year of 2008 saw laughter and joy, grief and tears, disappointments and divine appointments. In other words, Life happened in 2008. Many things transpired here in the 10/40 window, many of them unreportable because of what happened and where it happened, but suffice it to say that our Jehovah God is still on the throne and in perfect control of His universe. It is easy to look around at the things going on in the world and if we are not careful we, like Peter, see the waves and take our eyes off of the Lord and start to sink. At times like this we have to remember that we are "in" the world but we are not "of" the world. Those of us who are trusting in Christ as our Saviour are both led and protected by an unseen hand that the world knows not of. I have been reading a book by Randy Alcorn entitled, "Heaven." It is a wonderful book and has given me joy just to read his thoughts about what Heaven will be like. I look forward to being there and I believe with all my heart that it will be very soon that we will hear the trumpet sound and we will be "caught up." This old world is not spinning out of control, it is spinning to a close. This is a great and wonderful difference for the child of God. Israel became a nation again in 1948. She celebrated her 60th birthday in 2008. If a generation is 70 years and this generation will not pass before the Lord returns, then folks, we don't have a lot of time to win the lost. Pray for Israel. Right now it is in the midst of a war...again. Israel knows that its only friends are the Christians who are standing with that nation. It has always been Israel and America its friend, but I wonder for how long America is going to stand with Israel. I do not believe in replacement theology. The church has NOT replaced Israel. Israel is still and always will be the apple of God's eye and God promised that He would bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel. America tried to force Israel to give away the covenant land and you can plainly see where America is today. In big trouble. Big, big trouble. Pray for Israel as the battle rages. Pray for America that we Christians will stand and do our best to reclaim our blessed country.
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